3 December World Day of Persons with Disabilities, we had a great time and created great activities with our students at the ‘New Year's Concept Door Ornament Design Workshop’. The pro...
Purpose, Scope, Basis, Definitions
ARTICLE 1: The purpose of this directive is to determine the working procedures and principles of the Disabled Student Unit, which was established to prepare the necessary academic environment to facilitate the education life of the disabled students studying at Alanya University, to take the necessary measures and make arrangements in order to ensure their full participation in the education and training processes.
ARTICLE 2: This Directive covers the provisions regarding the duties and fields of activity of the Alanya University Disabled Student Unit.
ARTICLE 3: This directive has been prepared based on the relevant articles of the "Higher Education Institutions Disabled Counseling and Coordination Regulation" published in the Official Gazette dated 14/08/2010 and numbered 27672.
ARTICLE 4- In this Directive;
University: Alanya University,
Rector: Alanya University Rector,
Vice Rector: Alanya University, Vice Rector responsible for the Disabled Student Unit,
Unit: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit,
Coordinator: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Coordinator,
Deputy Coordinator: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Deputy Coordinator,
Administrative Board: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Administrative Board,
Unit personnel: Personnel who will work in the unit,
Disabled Student: A student of Alanya University, who has difficulties in adapting to social life and meeting their daily needs due to the loss of their physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social abilities at various degrees for any reason, either congenitally or subsequently,
Disabled Student Representative: The disabled student representative who is studying at Alanya University and elected by the students in accordance with this directive,
Directive: Refers to the Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Directive.
Definition of the Disabled Student Unit and its Duties
ARTICLE 5: The Disabled Student Unit is a unit, under the presidency and responsibility of a vice-rector responsible for educational affairs, to determine the administrative, physical, accommodation needs of the disabled students, and to evaluate the results of the administrative, physical, accommodation and social and academic studies that should be carried out, to evaluate the results of the studies carried out, to directly evaluate the needs of the disabled students, consisting of coordinator teaching staff and their assistants specialized in the field of the disabled or related to this subject, as well as the managers or academic staff to be appointed by the relevant departments, faculties, colleges and institutes.
ARTICLE 6: (1) The duties of the disabled student unit are as follows:
Determining the needs of students with disabilities enrolled in university programs in areas such as education, scholarship, accommodation, participation in social life and taking necessary measures to meet these needs, presenting solution suggestions, ensuring that the necessary arrangements are made in coordination with other units or departments in the university,
Ensuring that the education programs of disabled university students are arranged in a way that facilitates their academic, physical and social lives, making the teaching environment suitable and providing the necessary tools and materials, preparing special course materials, and arranging suitable education, research and accommodation environments for the disabled,
Carrying out awareness activities for students, university staff and lecturers, providing consultancy to authorized persons on the arrangements that can be made to overcome disability and its limitations, providing training on the subject when necessary,
Developing programs and projects to increase awareness and sensitivity in the field of disability, organizing seminars, conferences and similar activities,
Preparation and execution of the work program and annual activity report, determination of the necessary budgetary needs for the activities,
Establishment of a website in accordance with accessibility standards, which includes publications, documents and information for the parties of the subject, on subjects falling within its field of duty and activity, allowing students with disabilities to express their problems and wishes at the university, and allowing them to communicate with the relevant unit,
Supervising the implementation of the decisions taken and the determined strategies and reporting them to the upper units
Guiding students with financial difficulties to take the necessary initiatives in order to provide free supply of the auxiliary tools they need in order to reach a more independent level in their lives,
Ensuring that the time, place and material adaptations related to the exams are made, providing companion readers for visually impaired students and taking appropriate measures according to the differences arising from the nature of the disability, in order to ensure that students with disabilities can be evaluated fairly and effectively along with other students, and to make the teaching process sustainable for students with disabilities,
Working on the preparation of brochures and books on employment opportunities and occupations and ensuring that these are delivered to students with disabilities,
Ensuring that the necessary measures are taken by the student affairs directorate in order to reach the disabled students who are registered at the university during their registration,
Ensuring that accessibility studies are carried out for all areas allocated to the use of the university,
Supporting the organization of social, cultural, artistic and sportive activities in cooperation with the relevant units of the university in order to support the adaptation and participation of disabled students to social life at the university,
Functioning and Working Principles of the Disabled Student Unit
Board of Directors:
ARTICLE 7- (1) The Board, under the chairmanship of the coordinator, consists of a faculty member from each department to be assigned by faculties, colleges, vocational schools and institutes, and a disabled student representative selected from among the students. An administrative staff member of the Disabled Student Unit is assigned as a rapporteur.
(2) The disabled student representative in the Board is determined at the beginning of each semester by the election made by the students among themselves and under the supervision of the coordinator. The student who receives the most votes in the election is deemed to have been elected as the representative.
(3) When the academic and administrative personnel representatives in the Board are changed by their units, the situation is notified to the unit in writing.
Board Meetings:
ARTICLE 8- (1) The Board convenes at least twice a year, once in each academic term, to discuss the issues that have been submitted to the coordinator and deemed appropriate by the chairman of the board of directors. In addition, the extended Board of Directors meeting (especially in matters such as the creation of the work program, the evaluation of the annual report, etc.) is held at least once a year, in which the relevant Vice-Chancellor or the Secretary General attends, as well as the academic and administrative staff whose invitation is deemed appropriate. The Rector can call the board for a meeting at any time.
(2) The Board convenes with the absolute majority of the total number of members and takes decisions with the absolute majority of the attendees.
(3) Decisions taken at the end of the meeting are recorded and signed by all members.
(4) Decisions shall be notified in writing to the relevant units, with the approval of the rector's office, in order to take necessary action.
Duties and powers of the board
ARTICLE 9- (1) Duties and authorities of the Board are as follows:
a) To determine the academic, administrative, physical, accommodation, health, social and similar needs of the disabled students registered at the university and to work towards meeting these needs,
b) Evaluating and deciding on requests from students with disabilities,
c) To negotiate with the working subjects in the directive, to take decisions and to assign the members of the board to follow up the implementations.
Appointment of the coordinator
ARTICLE 10 – (1) The Coordinator is appointed by the Rector from among the university academic staff working in the fields related to the activities of the unit for 3 (three) years. The expired coordinator can be reassigned.
(2) The Coordinator is responsible to the Rector for the work of the Unit.
Duties and powers of the coordinator
ARTICLE 11- Duties and authorities of the coordinator are as follows:
Representing the Unit in activities within and outside the University and presiding over the meetings of the Board of Directors,
To ensure that the activities of the Unit are carried out, evaluated and developed regularly, in accordance with its purpose, in cooperation with other units inside and outside the Disabled Student Unit,
Preparing the meeting agenda of the Board and ensuring that it is announced to the members by obtaining the approval of the relevant Vice-Chancellor,
Developing projects related to the unit's fields of activity and presenting the developed projects to the board,
Accepting requests from students with disabilities and presenting them to the Board, ensuring that the decisions taken are implemented,
Recording and archiving the meetings of the Board,
To prepare the annual activity program and evaluation report of the Unit by taking the opinions and suggestions of the members of the Board,
To present the annual activity program and evaluation report accepted by the Board to the Rectorate.
Unit Staff
ARTICLE 12- The personnel to be employed in the unit;
a) At least 1 (one) administrative staff to make correspondence in accordance with the provisions of the Alanya University Signing Authorities and Correspondence Directive,
b) At least 1 (one) university personnel (special educator, psychologist/psychological counselor, physiotherapist, social worker) working in the fields related to the working subjects of the unit is assigned by the Rector.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
ARTICLE 13- (1) Higher education institutions allocate the necessary resources from their budgets for these units to achieve their objectives.
Cases where there is no provision
ARTICLE 14- (1) In cases where there is no provision in this Directive; The provisions of the relevant legislation and the decisions of the Council of Higher Education and the Senate are applied.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 – One of the vice-rectors is appointed by the Rector as responsible for the Alanya University Disabled Student Unit, within one month following the entry into force of this directive.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 2 – Within two months following the entry into force of this directive, the personnel information assigned to the board by the administrators of faculties, colleges, vocational schools and institutes and departments shall be notified in writing to the Disabled Student Unit Coordinator.
ARTICLE 14- (1) This Directive enters into force on the date it is accepted by the Senate.
ARTICLE 15- (1) The Rector executes the provisions of this directive.
Purpose, Scope, Basis, Definitions
ARTICLE 1: The purpose of this directive is to determine the working procedures and principles of the Disabled Student Unit, which was established to prepare the necessary academic environment to facilitate the education life of the disabled students studying at Alanya University, to take the necessary measures and make arrangements in order to ensure their full participation in the education and training processes.
ARTICLE 2: This Directive covers the provisions regarding the duties and fields of activity of the Alanya University Disabled Student Unit.
ARTICLE 3: This directive has been prepared based on the relevant articles of the "Higher Education Institutions Disabled Counseling and Coordination Regulation" published in the Official Gazette dated 14/08/2010 and numbered 27672.
ARTICLE 4- In this Directive;
University: Alanya University,
Rector: Alanya University Rector,
Vice Rector: Alanya University, Vice Rector responsible for the Disabled Student Unit,
Unit: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit,
Coordinator: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Coordinator,
Deputy Coordinator: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Deputy Coordinator,
Administrative Board: Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Administrative Board,
Unit personnel: Personnel who will work in the unit,
Disabled Student: A student of Alanya University, who has difficulties in adapting to social life and meeting their daily needs due to the loss of their physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and social abilities at various degrees for any reason, either congenitally or subsequently,
Disabled Student Representative: The disabled student representative who is studying at Alanya University and elected by the students in accordance with this directive,
Directive: Refers to the Alanya University Disabled Student Unit Directive.
Definition of the Disabled Student Unit and its Duties
ARTICLE 5: The Disabled Student Unit is a unit, under the presidency and responsibility of a vice-rector responsible for educational affairs, to determine the administrative, physical, accommodation needs of the disabled students, and to evaluate the results of the administrative, physical, accommodation and social and academic studies that should be carried out, to evaluate the results of the studies carried out, to directly evaluate the needs of the disabled students, consisting of coordinator teaching staff and their assistants specialized in the field of the disabled or related to this subject, as well as the managers or academic staff to be appointed by the relevant departments, faculties, colleges and institutes.
ARTICLE 6: (1) The duties of the disabled student unit are as follows:
Determining the needs of students with disabilities enrolled in university programs in areas such as education, scholarship, accommodation, participation in social life and taking necessary measures to meet these needs, presenting solution suggestions, ensuring that the necessary arrangements are made in coordination with other units or departments in the university,
Ensuring that the education programs of disabled university students are arranged in a way that facilitates their academic, physical and social lives, making the teaching environment suitable and providing the necessary tools and materials, preparing special course materials, and arranging suitable education, research and accommodation environments for the disabled,
Carrying out awareness activities for students, university staff and lecturers, providing consultancy to authorized persons on the arrangements that can be made to overcome disability and its limitations, providing training on the subject when necessary,
Developing programs and projects to increase awareness and sensitivity in the field of disability, organizing seminars, conferences and similar activities,
Preparation and execution of the work program and annual activity report, determination of the necessary budgetary needs for the activities,
Establishment of a website in accordance with accessibility standards, which includes publications, documents and information for the parties of the subject, on subjects falling within its field of duty and activity, allowing students with disabilities to express their problems and wishes at the university, and allowing them to communicate with the relevant unit,
Supervising the implementation of the decisions taken and the determined strategies and reporting them to the upper units
Guiding students with financial difficulties to take the necessary initiatives in order to provide free supply of the auxiliary tools they need in order to reach a more independent level in their lives,
Ensuring that the time, place and material adaptations related to the exams are made, providing companion readers for visually impaired students and taking appropriate measures according to the differences arising from the nature of the disability, in order to ensure that students with disabilities can be evaluated fairly and effectively along with other students, and to make the teaching process sustainable for students with disabilities,
Working on the preparation of brochures and books on employment opportunities and occupations and ensuring that these are delivered to students with disabilities,
Ensuring that the necessary measures are taken by the student affairs directorate in order to reach the disabled students who are registered at the university during their registration,
Ensuring that accessibility studies are carried out for all areas allocated to the use of the university,
Supporting the organization of social, cultural, artistic and sportive activities in cooperation with the relevant units of the university in order to support the adaptation and participation of disabled students to social life at the university,
Functioning and Working Principles of the Disabled Student Unit
Board of Directors:
ARTICLE 7- (1) The Board, under the chairmanship of the coordinator, consists of a faculty member from each department to be assigned by faculties, colleges, vocational schools and institutes, and a disabled student representative selected from among the students. An administrative staff member of the Disabled Student Unit is assigned as a rapporteur.
(2) The disabled student representative in the Board is determined at the beginning of each semester by the election made by the students among themselves and under the supervision of the coordinator. The student who receives the most votes in the election is deemed to have been elected as the representative.
(3) When the academic and administrative personnel representatives in the Board are changed by their units, the situation is notified to the unit in writing.
Board Meetings:
ARTICLE 8- (1) The Board convenes at least twice a year, once in each academic term, to discuss the issues that have been submitted to the coordinator and deemed appropriate by the chairman of the board of directors. In addition, the extended Board of Directors meeting (especially in matters such as the creation of the work program, the evaluation of the annual report, etc.) is held at least once a year, in which the relevant Vice-Chancellor or the Secretary General attends, as well as the academic and administrative staff whose invitation is deemed appropriate. The Rector can call the board for a meeting at any time.
(2) The Board convenes with the absolute majority of the total number of members and takes decisions with the absolute majority of the attendees.
(3) Decisions taken at the end of the meeting are recorded and signed by all members.
(4) Decisions shall be notified in writing to the relevant units, with the approval of the rector's office, in order to take necessary action.
Duties and powers of the board
ARTICLE 9- (1) Duties and authorities of the Board are as follows:
a) To determine the academic, administrative, physical, accommodation, health, social and similar needs of the disabled students registered at the university and to work towards meeting these needs,
b) Evaluating and deciding on requests from students with disabilities,
c) To negotiate with the working subjects in the directive, to take decisions and to assign the members of the board to follow up the implementations.
Appointment of the coordinator
ARTICLE 10 – (1) The Coordinator is appointed by the Rector from among the university academic staff working in the fields related to the activities of the unit for 3 (three) years. The expired coordinator can be reassigned.
(2) The Coordinator is responsible to the Rector for the work of the Unit.
Duties and powers of the coordinator
ARTICLE 11- Duties and authorities of the coordinator are as follows:
Representing the Unit in activities within and outside the University and presiding over the meetings of the Board of Directors,
To ensure that the activities of the Unit are carried out, evaluated and developed regularly, in accordance with its purpose, in cooperation with other units inside and outside the Disabled Student Unit,
Preparing the meeting agenda of the Board and ensuring that it is announced to the members by obtaining the approval of the relevant Vice-Chancellor,
Developing projects related to the unit's fields of activity and presenting the developed projects to the board,
Accepting requests from students with disabilities and presenting them to the Board, ensuring that the decisions taken are implemented,
Recording and archiving the meetings of the Board,
To prepare the annual activity program and evaluation report of the Unit by taking the opinions and suggestions of the members of the Board,
To present the annual activity program and evaluation report accepted by the Board to the Rectorate.
Unit Staff
ARTICLE 12- The personnel to be employed in the unit;
a) At least 1 (one) administrative staff to make correspondence in accordance with the provisions of the Alanya University Signing Authorities and Correspondence Directive,
b) At least 1 (one) university personnel (special educator, psychologist/psychological counselor, physiotherapist, social worker) working in the fields related to the working subjects of the unit is assigned by the Rector.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
ARTICLE 13- (1) Higher education institutions allocate the necessary resources from their budgets for these units to achieve their objectives.
Cases where there is no provision
ARTICLE 14- (1) In cases where there is no provision in this Directive; The provisions of the relevant legislation and the decisions of the Council of Higher Education and the Senate are applied.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 – One of the vice-rectors is appointed by the Rector as responsible for the Alanya University Disabled Student Unit, within one month following the entry into force of this directive.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 2 – Within two months following the entry into force of this directive, the personnel information assigned to the board by the administrators of faculties, colleges, vocational schools and institutes and departments shall be notified in writing to the Disabled Student Unit Coordinator.
ARTICLE 14- (1) This Directive enters into force on the date it is accepted by the Senate.
ARTICLE 15- (1) The Rector executes the provisions of this directive.